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Video Archive 2025

Innovation Celebration .mp4

Innovation Celebration

IPO Announces Berkeley Lab Inventors and Developers of the Year for FY2024

At the Innovation Celebration on Jan. 22, Deputy Lab Director for Research Carol Burns and the Intellectual Property Office (IPO) announced Berkeley Lab's FY24 Inventors and Developers of the Year in each of the Lab's six research areas. These prolific innovators are creating new technologies and working with IPO to bring these science solutions to the world.

The event also included a panel on ”Paths to Tech Transfer” featuring ETA’s Ken Higa and Mike Tucker, IPO’s Lucian Sweitzer, ESA’s Ting Xu, and Alex Fang from OneValley, an innovation and entrepreneurship services organization. The panelists discussed the different paths to technology transfer, including licensing technologies to external parties, collaborating with industry partners, and startups founded by Berkeley Lab researchers and employees.